Married Men On Dating Apps
Become a member of the married dating website that fits your needs! If something’s missing in your marriage, put some excitement into it on a dating site like, It’s easy to be yourself online! State the kind of married dating that fits your life: short and casual or long-term and passionate. Build a profile and chat with members. Among married users of Tinder, the global gender split is about 55% men to 45% women.”. The report was based on the answers of about 1,282 active Tinder users. According to a recent piece in. Sugar Daddie - Date A Millionaire Today More Married men often go on online dating sites looking for love because they may believe that they are on the verge of divorcing their wives. Hence, since they have this belief, these married men go on online dating sites looking for love because they believe that the marriage is pretty much over anyway.
When will we accept the fact that you can meet someone on a dating app and have a long-term relationship? For some reason, even though it feels like the online dating stigma is disappearing, the myth of dating apps only being for hookups still exists. But new data shows that it's totally ridiculous.

The folks at SimpleTexting, an SMS Marketing service, looked into dating app habits to find out what people are looking for on dating apps— and how successful they are. They shared the data exclusively with Bustle to give an idea of how common long-term relationships from dating apps actually are in the real world. And— spoiler alert! — they're probably more common than you might think. Their data from 500 dating app users, ages 18- 65, showed that a lot of serious relationships are coming from swiping.
It doesn't surprise me at all. I went to a wedding last year where the couple met on Tinder, I'm going to one this year where the couple met on OkCupid. Hell, I met my girlfriend on Tinder and we've been together over a year and a half now. It may not be the way that people our age dreamed of meeting someone when we were kids, but now virtually everyone I know is on dating apps — and that's totally great! Sure, dating apps aren't perfect, but they do give you the opportunity to be exposed to a bigger pool of people.
'Dating apps have the portability factor, so you can use them while you’re on the bus or waiting for an appointment,” New York–based relationship expert and author April Masini tells Bustle. “Because they’re so easy to use on phones, you can take them with you and use them all over the place. Your life can be a lot more flexible with these portable apps. They can be big-time savers and success builders in dating.”
Still not convinced? Well, I'll let the numbers do the talking. Here's what SimpleTexting found:
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Contrary to popular belief, a whopping 38 percent of men and 44 percent of women are long for long-term relationships on apps. Although I thought some of the other stats were more interesting— three percent of men looking for a free meal? Seven percent looking for boosted self-esteem? Not exactly heartening, but interesting for sure.
Damn. So while nearly a quarter of people said they'd never had more than one or two date flings off of apps (and another quarter said 'other'), if you look at the more long-term options you might be pleasantly surprised.

Seven percent had reached between six months and a year with someone they met on an app, 15 percent said had reached longer than a year, and 14 percent said they were engaged or married— so it really does happen, if that's what you're looking for.
Where are people settling down from apps? Well, it happens all over— but the South was definitely the big hitter for engagements, with 16.3 percent of respondents saying that they were engaged or married from an app.
OK — barely over 50 percent, but still — over 50 percent of users said they had never had a one-night stand from a dating app. Although lots of us are having them (and there's nothing wrong with that, BTW) it's clearly silly to think that's the main purpose of these apps for everyone.
So what actually comes into play when using the apps? Well, photos were the most important for men, but if you look closely you'll see that women cared more about the descriptions.
Married Men On Dating Apps Free
There are a lot of ways you can go wrong with your dating app photos, but shirtless ones and not being able to tell who you are the big offenders.
Married Men On Dating Apps List
And when it comes to messaging, what are people responding to? Well, the most popular messages are the ones that make you laugh, but even a simple 'hey' performed surprisingly well. I always say, if you're lost, to write something that shows you read their profile — and 24 percent of users agreed.
Married Men On Dating Apps
It's not a guarantee that you'll find a long-term relationship on a dating app. But the numbers don't lie — people are looking for long-term relationships and finding them, all on dating apps. So keep your mind open and start swiping.